15 February, 2006


I am glad to report that one of my stories posted below was published in the current edition of The Practically Creative Quarterly in the "Creations" section. It is the story "The Dread" - one of my favourites by the way. The illustrations were chosen by the editor and fit perfectly the mood of the story. That is why I reconsidered and desided not to illustrate my stories myself - I think they work better without it. This way there is more room for imagination.


Nancy said...

I'm so pleased to hear that you like the illustrations. It was a happy example of serendipity that an artist whose work I'd already chosen was such a good fit with your excellent story. Thanks for contributing and being a part of The Practically Creative Quarterly family.

all the best,

Cooper said...


Indeterminacy said...

That was my favorite story, too. Congratulations!